Argan oil spray
$13,00 Original price was: $13,00.$10,99Current price is: $10,99.
- Size Guide
Size Guide
DRESSEST-SHIRTBOTTOMSDRESSESSize Chest Waist Hips XS 34 28 34 S 36 30 36 M 38 32 38 L 40 34 40 XL 42 36 42 2XL 44 38 44 All measurements are in INCHES
and may vary a half inch in either direction.
T-SHIRTSize Chest Waist Hips 2XS 32 26 32 XS 34 28 34 S 36 30 36 M 38 32 38 L 40 34 40 XL 42 36 42 All measurements are in INCHES
and may vary a half inch in either direction.
BOTTOMSSize Chest Waist Hips XS 34 28 34 S 36 30 36 M 38 32 38 L 40 34 40 XL 42 36 42 2XL 44 38 44 All measurements are in INCHES
and may vary a half inch in either direction.
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On all your orders for home or collection point delivery
We will accept exchanges and returns of unworn and unwashed garments within 30 days of the date of purchase (14 days during the sales period).
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Your return will usually be processed within a week to a week and a half. We’ll send you a Return Notification email to notify you once the return has been completed. Please allow 1-3 business days for refunds to be received to the original form of payment once the return has been processed.
- Ask a Question
Natural anti-wrinkle as it contains vitamin E which delays their appearance.
Moisturizing, whitening, softening and brightening the skin
Argan oil is an effective treatment for acne and blackheads removal.
Reduces skin cracks resulting from weight change or white lines resulting from weight loss or pregnancy
Use after removing makeup or showering to give you fresh skin
Perfect treatment for damaged hair
Treatment and moisturizer for curly and dry hair
It works to repair weak hair and protect it from falling out and splitting.
Nourishes and strengthens hair follicles, making your hair shinier and softer.
It helps in treating dandruff and is very suitable for dry hair.
Treatment for scalp diseases
It is used to strengthen nails, treat fungus around them, and make them pink. Dip them in a bowl containing an appropriate amount of argan and lemon juice for 10 minutes.
Argan oil is suitable for all skin types.
Read in this article the benefits and uses of argan oil. 19 benefits you will not do without.
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